Our associations have proven experience and effectiveness in high rise development, seismic assessment of buildings and handling of large projects. Team members are qualified engineers with experience in high rise structures and detailed designing of both substructure and superstructure systems. Solid knowledge of local codes, standards and requirements with regards to Planning and Building Permits. Project supervision, high competence in providing alternatives and advices with regards to value engineering, great experience in optimization of structural systems in the benefit of cost, space and time.
Whether we are creating a simple dwelling or designing a complex façade connection detail, our philosophy remains the same: innovate, add value, perform.
Platonas Stylianou & Associates Civil and Structural Engineers L.L.C. specializes in Peer reviews of Structural Design, Specifications and Detailings.
Platonas Stylianou & Associates Civil and Structural Engineers L.L.C. specializes in Peer reviews of Structural Design, Specifications and Detailings.